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    Monday, July 23, 2007

    Surprise In A Can

    Imagine Greg's shock and heeby-jeebyness when he took some trash out yesterday, looked into the empty can and saw THIS:


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    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    ...and they were still there when we got home. The Humane Society said they like to sleep in trash cans, and they tear up trash to get at the bugs that get in trash outside. I would like to add a disclaimer that this crappy old trash can is not ours in origin, it was left by the previous owners and we keep it out there as a spare...

    So they had to go...

    Never boring at our house...but I guess I'm glad this is the biggest drama we have around here!


    Anonymous said...

    Wow, brave Greg!!!!

    Just thought I'd leave a comment so you know someone is reading...

    Anonymous said...

    Glad to see they're gone but I would have been on the floor if one of them got run over. (I obviously need serious help.....)