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    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    Just a Sunday....

    ...and that's OK for once. Little sis and her family were here overnight, we had a nice visit. The kids have fun together but get less patient as the visit goes on, but they always forget that by the time it's time to see each other again. Samantha said she wanted the kids to "stay with us forever"...

    Soooo, what's up in Cathy's World today?

    I need to get out and do some yardwork, but it's damn hot again. Blech. Maybe later on today...or maybe not...

    Jackson climbed up four steps today, I was stunned and called for Daddy to come share the moment. Fortunately Jackson thought that was high enough, too, and crawled back down. I am NOT ready for him to be doing that yet - I have a hard enough time keeping track of him on ONE level of the house. He, however, doesn't seem to give a fat crap what Mommy is ready for. Mommy is also ready to sleep all night think he gives one rip about that, either? No.

    My Google Analytics is finally giving me reports so I can see how many visitors I'm getting, which is kind of cool...not anything too specific, unfortunately for me (and fortunately for those of you who lurk, whose eyes I also appreciate on my pages...your anonymity is safe), but it's nice to know that I'm not just talking to myself. Well, I DO talk to myself, but that's another story. I would however, LOVE to have you leave a comment, if you don't already, so I know who is reading! Unless you're just gonna call me a bitch or something...I already know that. Dealt with it, fine with it, over it. I don't see that changing any time soon.

    What else...I did start an honest-to-goodness handwritten journal, which grows by several pages a day. As a writer, it's an intersting experience to write something that no one else (presumably) will ever read. How you express thoughts, feelings, how you refer to people and places is different, and the more you do it, the more it becomes akin to your own thought process rather than a writing that would even be INTENDED for anyone else to read. And looking back at the previous days' words is like having a snapshot of how my day was that day. Interesting.

    It's not that they are even things I wouldn't want to share with you, my loyal readers...sometimes it's just random thoughts about my day, my kids, or whatever...and sometimes it's a much-needed private kick in the pants from me to me. I could do that here, but you are all so wonderful about encouraging me, and uplifting me, and while I need/crave/desire/look for that from you, sometimes I need to take myself out behind the woodshed and NOT get let off the hook until I fix my attitude. Sometimes I need my mental ass kicked. And sometimes I'm just the guy to do that.

    Samantha is lounging in an afternoon tub, her frogs and duckies a-flashing and a-floating, although flashing more dimly all the time (big thanks to Kae for the best bath toys EVER!). Now I hear the water draining, so Daddy must be getting her out. That means my quiet time is about over for now...later today we're going to Big Lots for the "Buzz Club Friends and Family Night" which gets us 20% off Big Lots already-incredibly low prices! We ARE a Big Lots family, I'll say it out loud, fuck it. I like a bargain, and Big Lots is chock-full of it "chock-full" or chocked-full"? Hmmm, have to look that up now...unless Deb already knows, which she probably does, and then she can post and tell me...

    Yep, now I have a nuggly Samantha bear on my lap in a towel, ready for her snack time. Snack doesn't sound half bad...

    Wishing you a great Sunday and an even-better week to come...

    1 comment:

    Crazy Mom said...

    I am glad you had a better weekend..You deserve it...