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    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    Girl Date

    Momma's goin' OUT tonight! Two new great friends from Samantha's preschool, Mrs R and Mrs H, and I are all SAHMs, and we all work hard, and we all love our kids and our husbands. We also almost NEVER just go be C, S, and B; it's just not where we are right now in our lives, and that's OK.

    But tonight, just for a few hours, we will go and do just that. Go be just three pretty girls, eating yummy food, drinking some yummy drinks, and just visit, and laugh and enjoy each other's company. We'll sit, and we'll NOT do some specific things:

    not cut anyone else's food
    not ask for a booster or high chair
    not care if people are swearing at the next table
    not ask for a kids' menu
    not think of ways to keep toddlers occupied until the food comes
    not pick up napkins off the floor nine times
    NOT worry about what the kids and daddies are doing at home - they'll be fine (reminder to self)

    I wouldn't want to be away from my family every night, but tonight I am looking forward to some girl time with two awesome women, and we all deserve this fun night out! Cheers!

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