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    Monday, June 4, 2007

    A Hair Update...

    Some have seen this already elsewhere, but I have found a way to examine my options pre-haircut.

    Some I like, some I don't. Some are just comedy, and I couldn't resist. And some I would never have thick enough hair that it would look like that even if I had the cut.

    Sorry the pic quality is so bad, it's a digital snapshot of my screen, since they come up on Flash on the program and I have no idea how to save pics from Flash. Grrr.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Please don't tell me you like this mullet cut, it's a total joke...
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Oh, btw, I did this at : TOTAL blast, I recommend it if you want to play around and see how a new look or color would look on you. Or anyone else, for that matter. There're some HILARIOUS 'dos on there. Just take a pic of yourself in a white shirt (or change the color of the one you're wearing like I did...) against a light background, and there are instructions on there on how to get it just right so it's the right size, etc. TOTAL fun.

    So, whaddya think? Should I chop it? Just cut it like always? Somewhere in the middle? So far, #1 seems to be the favorite, believe it or not. I'm kind of liking it too, but not sure if I'm brave enough to go thru with really chopping it...


    Amanda said...

    So, it's me, Amanda. :) I have some opinions on this hair deal. I like #1, I think. I keep looking at them, deciding which one will take just a small amount of work, and not drive you crazy. #1 makes your face seem slimmer. But...I hope you didn't have your heart set on Sorry. There are some I like, but I know from previous experience that while they're cute...they require a little work. #6 is my fav medium length hair style. SUPER CUTE, and looks adorable on you. My only reservations about that one is that this works best with thick-ER hair, and I can't remember if your hair is think or no. I think it could work if you're willing to put in some work straightening, rolling, etc.

    Ok, so this is more of a saga than a comment, but you get where I'm a little obsessive. That being said...I hope mine looks good on Sat. :) HOpe my ramblings helped.


    Anonymous said...

    Cathy... I had a chance to look at your blog again and love the idea of getting to see your haircut options pre-cut! Awesome. I'm in for No. 1, too. It's really cute and Amanada is right, it is slimming.

    I say go for it... it's just hair, it grows back if it turns out not to be what you were looking for. AND... there's no better time then the hot summer to try this one out.


    Matthew Cave said...

    Yep, I agree. #1 is totally cute and seems like it would be a quick style. I also like #6 for medium length. Gotta go, Alex has put in a request for me to sing go go go Lazytown. Now GO GET YOUR HAIR CUT!!!!
    Love ya