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    Monday, March 10, 2008

    Mashed "Cauli-tatoes" Are Not...

    ...the same as real ones. Just trust me on that. They're just not. I'll settle for none over the mush I ate three hours ago. I still don't feel right. I keep telling myself it's sympathy nausea for one of my good friends who is TTC and is hoping for her BFP. Let's go with that, shall we?


    Jill said...


    Deb said...

    I vote for the sympathy nausea.

    Anonymous said...

    Yeesh! My tummy gurgled just reading that.

    When my sister was somersizing she used to make "cauli-rice". When steamed and mashed up with soy sauce n' who knows what else - they actually do taste almost exactly like fried rice. But somehow I doubt very highly that you're going to run out now and go make yourself some "cauli-rice". What's that? You'll take my word for it? Ok, yea. I figured.