My little sis
My big sis
My she-can't-really-be-old-enough-to-be-a-mom-but-she-is-x2-now niece
My Granny
My Gram (RIP)
My step-grandmother-in-law
My Grandma-in-Battle-Creek (now in Verdigre, but still)
Deb (my bosom friend who joins me in the waters of maternal insanity and then helps me drag myself ashore on a regular basis)
E (my dear friend since WAY before either of us dreamed of being moms)
Mrs M (my fellow garage sale pro and good friend)
All my BGA moms
All my BTBBC moms
All my BB2 moms
My next-door neighbor Jan (who loves my kids and dogs like her own)
Aimee (who was a mom for such a short time but no less a mom in my heart)
Rayann (who gave a special gift of motherhood to two kids and then gave them a sweet little sibling on top of it)
Suzi (from whom I gleaned many of the things I wanted to do/be when I became a mom)
Suzi's mom (who valued me and helped me grow up as a young, insecure searching soul)
Mrs C (who wrangles a house full of boys and one firecracker little girl, and does it with a smile)
Mrs. S (who feels much like a mother to me, but simultaneously is one of my dearest friends, ever since she taught me English back in high school a milleneum ago)
There are many others who I consider to be great moms and good people, but who are too numerous to list. No one was intentionally left off - know that if I know and love you, and you're a mom, you're on this list.
Bust most especially, I love MY mom. My dear, blessed mother, who gave me life, who gave me my family, who did her best, every day of her life, and did it all for Andrea, Jae, Crystal and for me. For all these things I can never repay you, can never thank you enough, and can never sufficiently convey what you mean, who you are, or how grateful I am to have called you "Mom" these 36 years.
Pulling each other ashore, my dear. Like proud Marines. I love you. Happy belated Mother's Day. I'm honored to be on the list with such amazing women and to be counted among such wonderful mothers by a woman who is such a wonderful mother herself.
So sweet! What a nice tribute to the moms in your life. Thank you! -Kathy
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