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    Sunday, May 31, 2009

    Can I Please Have "Here We Go Again" for $1000, Alex?

    Alex: Alright, here's the answer...


    Cathy's buzzer: {bee-beep}

    Alex: Yes, Cathy?

    Cathy: What is "how Cathy feels as she scrapes her way back onto the Beach after a week of binging on cherry sours, pizza, Chinese food, chips, and sugar-coated fiber bars"?

    Alex: That is absolutely right, dumb bitch. Now get back on the beach and quit eating crap already.

    We'll be back after a word from our sponsor.

    Friday, May 29, 2009

    I Really Need Your Help

    If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know about William, who we lost about a year and a half ago. He was a dear sweet boy, the same age as mine, taken too soon and missed dearly to this day.

    We've walked with William, and then in memory of William. This year, we once again walk in memory of him, and we will raise money for research to find a cure.

    We need your help for that. If you'll be in Omaha on June 6, come walk with us. Love to see you.

    But if not, think about donating to CureSearch and supporting our walk. I could give you a bunch of word salad about why you should, but you're no dummy. You know why you should. You know a cure has to come, and money can facilitate that reality faster than anything. It takes just a minute, and every single dollar helps.

    Fine, I'll beg. PLEASE. PleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePlease
    PleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePlease go and donate. OK?

    Yes? Great. Knew I could count on you.

    So - you can donate to the cause and support us as we walk in memory of William here:

    And, to learn more about sweet William, you can check out William's Caring Bridge site here:

    Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support! :) :) :)

    Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    Things I Say To My Kids That Are Just As Relevant For Me (And You, Too, By The Way)

    Whining gets you nothing.
    You can make a good choice no matter what anybody else does.
    Be kind.
    You can find a nicer way to say that.
    You need to eat good foods to be healthy.
    Just worry about you and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.
    When you're done with something, pick it up and put it where it goes.
    You need to think before you open your mouth.
    You can choose to be happy, or you can choose to be grumpy.
    It's OK to be grumpy, but it's not OK to be grumpy at other people.
    You don't need to have the TV on every minute of the day. Go find something to do.
    Don't be disrespectful to your dad (or your mom, or your brother, or your sister).
    You get back from the world what you put out there into it...and that's true of everything else, too.
    Use your brain, please. It's good brain, I know it works, so please use it before you speak/act/do/choose.
    I love you. You are important to so many people. The world is a better place because you are in it. Who you are, right now, just as you are, is awesome. Always, always remember that.

    Thursday, May 14, 2009

    We're About To Be Overtaken

    ...and someone has to stop it.

    The grass is out of control, the dandelions are taking a strong hold, and the weeds are popping up by the minute. Spring has sprung up all over out there. If we don't get the garden tilled and in pretty soon, it'll be winter again already.

    Time to get out there and fight the good fight. The good, dirty, sweaty, grass-staining fight. Trowel, rake and gloves in-hand ~ the battle begins.

    If it doesn't pour on us. Which it might. Which will cancel the fight - we're no postal workers around here. Rain, hail, whatever, SHALL keep us from our appointed jobs.

    So let's just hope it doesn't rain for a couple of hours, because it's a jungle out there.

    Sunday, May 10, 2009

    Mothers I Love

    My little sis
    My big sis
    My she-can't-really-be-old-enough-to-be-a-mom-but-she-is-x2-now niece
    My Granny
    My Gram (RIP)
    My MIL
    My step-grandmother-in-law
    My Grandma-in-Battle-Creek (now in Verdigre, but still)
    Deb (my bosom friend who joins me in the waters of maternal insanity and then helps me drag myself ashore on a regular basis)
    E (my dear friend since WAY before either of us dreamed of being moms)
    Mrs M (my fellow garage sale pro and good friend)
    All my BGA moms
    All my BTBBC moms
    All my BB2 moms
    My next-door neighbor Jan (who loves my kids and dogs like her own)
    Aimee (who was a mom for such a short time but no less a mom in my heart)
    Rayann (who gave a special gift of motherhood to two kids and then gave them a sweet little sibling on top of it)
    Suzi (from whom I gleaned many of the things I wanted to do/be when I became a mom)
    Suzi's mom (who valued me and helped me grow up as a young, insecure searching soul)
    Mrs C (who wrangles a house full of boys and one firecracker little girl, and does it with a smile)
    Mrs. S (who feels much like a mother to me, but simultaneously is one of my dearest friends, ever since she taught me English back in high school a milleneum ago)

    There are many others who I consider to be great moms and good people, but who are too numerous to list. No one was intentionally left off - know that if I know and love you, and you're a mom, you're on this list.

    Bust most especially, I love MY mom. My dear, blessed mother, who gave me life, who gave me my family, who did her best, every day of her life, and did it all for Andrea, Jae, Crystal and for me. For all these things I can never repay you, can never thank you enough, and can never sufficiently convey what you mean, who you are, or how grateful I am to have called you "Mom" these 36 years.

    Tuesday, May 5, 2009

    36: Day One

    HUGE thanks to all who sent their best birthday wishes my way, by phone, mail, email, message boards and Facebook. I felt very loved and it was a nice way to spend my day, reading lots of good birthday wishes from great folks!

    Tonight we went to dinner, did a little shopping, and now it's time to get some rest. At my age, I need it. Thanks again my lovelies. You made an old lady smile.

    Monday, May 4, 2009

    I Hope You Can't Catch Swine Flu From Handling Cash

    Because if you can, Mrs M and I are hosed, since we laid our hands on a CRAP load of it, from what I would estimate were HUNDREDS of people who came to our garage sale on Friday and Saturday.

    Our garage sale, if I say so myself, was a ROUSING success. Believe me when I say that our profits FAR exceeded my expectations for the two-day event, and I could not be happier with how it turned out. HUGE thanks to Mrs M for hosting, for organizing your neighborhood's sale, and for all your hard work and effort.

    Best parts:

    1) I scheduled a truck from Salvation Army to pick up everything that was left after the sale, and I am told they came this morning and got it all (except for three things which they missed, darn it); so what I brought home was minimal. Like three boxes, and lots of empty totes. LOTS of them.

    2) Running my ass off for a week getting everything ready and doing the actual sale also netted me a five pound weight loss for the week, despite eating mostly crap.

    3) Our nursery furniture went to a young mom who was surely pregnant and who surely could not afford to spend a fortune, and that is JUST the kind of family I wanted it to go to.

    4) My closets and storage areas are blissfully devoid of extra boxes - it would have been worth the effort just for that, even if I'd made half of what I made.

    I'm itching to tell you what I made, because it seems almost unbelievable, but I am reticent to go posting numbers like that out in the scary weird world. Just take my word for it. And when you see me or talk to me, feel free to ask. I can't hardly contain myself so I'm sure I'll spill it to you.

    It was the hardest weekend I've had in a while, but totally worth it, in more ways than one. There was more excitement here this week and I'll update you on that soon. Right now I have to go finish making pink play-doh for preschool.

    Have a great Monday!