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    Thursday, September 6, 2007

    Back from the land of Iowa...

    And we are GLAD to be bored. Ok, not really "bored", except by choice. God knows the laundry (which I DID catch up almost completely before we left, miracle of miracles) is getting behind again, and the suitacases are neither completely unpacked, nor put away, and my bathroom needs a good scrubbing, but I still find myself with not one thing that I feel like doing. There is just no sense of urgency this week, about anything...Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh...feels good to have an open schedule for a few days. Been spending LOTS of time playing with the kids and baking cookies, talking on the phone, etc., etc. Even catching the occasional snooze, which I never do during the day!

    The wedding was very lovely, we had a great time, and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Mr and Mrs B, the new bride and groom. Let me know when you find out about the next big event in your life...I'm waiting...

    Samantha was, I have been told, ADORABLE, and so was her brother, in his outfit that matched his Daddy. I have to agree. They're pretty stinkin' cute.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    What? Pictures of ME, you say? We'll see...I haven't seen any pictures of me from the wedding that are worth sharing in public forums yet, but I'll keep you posted on that... OK, fine, here's ONE...

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    More to BLOG later, gotta get a snack...did I mention I'm also eating like it's going out of style this week? Not sure what that's about...possibly that I've threatened myself with getting back off the crap food next week, so I'm eating crap whilst I can...

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Seriously...not going to happen. For a while at least. Not by Christmas, not by my birthday. If you want to put money on it...BRING IT. Just keep the baby dust away!!!